Prof. Dr. Colonel (res.) Gabi Siboni is a National Security Specialist and the former Director of the Military and Strategic Affairs Program as well as of the Cyber Security Program at the Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies (INSS). Prof. Siboni is the founder and was the editor of the Military and Strategic Affairs Journal until 2016. In January 2017, he has founded and is the editor of Cyber: Intelligence and Security Journal. He serves as a senior consultant to the IDF and other Israeli security organizations.
Prof. Siboni is the deputy head of the four-year academic program on Cyber management at the Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV), Madrid, Spain. He is also in charge of the Cyber Management Research Center at UFV.
In addition, Prof. Siboni is the deputy and chief methodologist of the IDF’s Research Center for Force Deployment and Buildup. In this scope, he develops Strategic & Operational warfare concepts for various domains including: Integrated Combat in complex and densely populated areas, Cyber defense and Cyber warfare, Cognitive and Influence warfare and more. He also develops methodologies for Computerized Simulation for various needs including for Military Operations.
Prof. Siboni is a consultant in a wide range of fields, including: Cyber Security (including ICS and SCADA Security), Information Technology, ICT & Cloud Risk Management, and Strategic Planning. He has extensive proven experience in Decision Support Systems (DSS) related to Cyber security crisis and Cyber Security Investment.